Visual Geometry Calculator privacy policy

Visual Geometry Calculator is an application devloped and released by Second Tech AB. This document describes what data may be collected when you use Visual Geoemtry Calculator and for what purpose this data is collected.

What data we collect
Visual Geoemtry Calculator does not collect any personal data directly. However, trusted third party services are used to collect data required to display advertisement, process payments, and provide usage statistics. See the "list of privacy policies for third party services" below for links to privacy policies detailing what data is collected by these services.

Legal basis for collecting data
To use the application the user must first accept the privacy policy.

List of privacy policies for third party services
Google Play Services
Firebase Analytics

User rights
Visual Geoemtry Calculator does not itself collect or store any personal information. For inquires about, and request for removal of, any personal information stored by third parties, plaease send a mail to titled "Personal information".

Change of privacy policy
Updates to the privacy policy will be anounced through application updates.

Effective date of privacy policy
This is the Visual Geoemtry Calculator privacy policy 1.0, effective as of the 26th of September 2022.